"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Love Day

For me Valentines Day is a celebration of everyday memories that make up my Life....

Asking Jesus in my heart
My high school sweetheart
Love's first kiss
Picking out the dress
A mothers touch
Singing around a piano
Sisters secrets
My brother's laugh
Saturday pancakes
Family movie nights
Wooden spoon microphones
Quiet walks on the beach
Laying in the grass looking at the clouds
Baby's first kicks
Setting up the crib
Chocolate in bed
Holding hands
Broken hearts healed by love
Dinner with friends
Beet salad
Family time on the water
Disney World
Christmas magic
Watching my kids worship
Second chances
Third chances
Ice cold coke with a friend
Bakery runs
Tossing a ball
Reading books before bed
Goodnight prayers

.......to many moments to share......a lifetime still won't be enough......Happy Love Day to all those in my heart! ♥